Hiring only one female or non-binary employee on your team does not solve the gender equality issue at your company. The work for a more equal workplace needs to be carried out on several different levels and with joint efforts throughout the company. We, therefore, help our customers to actively work with gender equality by offering a complete solution.
Job ads
Creating an attractive ad that is perceived as relevant in both colour, image and text are extremely important to reach the women you are looking for. We know that the ad is a crucial step at the start of a recruitment process.
Do you want us to look at your existing ads and see how you can update the text and imagery? Contact us and we are happy to help!

Employer Branding
How do you create buzz and reach out?
Employer branding is a great tool to make people find you and show that you are an attractive employer. With social media campaigns and videos we help you spread the message!
We make sure that women and non-binary individuals in tech know about you.

Lectures and workshops
Gender equality and inclusion have never been more relevant.
And it is a topic for everyone: all the employees should know about the importance and value of working with inclusion on a daily basis.
We cover several topics within DEI such as creating an inclusive workplace, unconcious bias and microagressions. Contact us to get the full list